So my husbands has bought me a professional juicer, which I'm quite happy about but unfortunately i haven't been able to get to use it yet as he has been juicing everything in sight and Darcy has been using it a bit too. lol. I just wish it were summer so i could use all the summer fruits for nice drinks.
I've also been hitting the shops pretty hard :) We have a 70's party to go to on Saturday night so I've been hitting the shops with my mum and with Mr Knightly's mum looking for just the right "thing" it has been especially hard to find something for hubby,but have finally got something,i will post pictures after the event :D I have also been shopping for snow gear for our trip to the snow in a few weeks and have got all snow geared up for under $50 for the whole family and found some stuff for our friends as well, awesome!
Sunday Trip
So Sunday morning we got up early and left for Gympie at 6am so we could get to church for 9am start. We got to Gympie early so we went for a drive by where Mr Knightly used to live and looked at his old house then we went to the park and got changed for church,after church we went on a family history trek. I was getting Lizzie dressed into her clothes when she asked me..
"Mum after we kill the people can we play at the park?" lol Of course i just smiled and said "Yes sweetie, but we might go to the park first :)" I did also mention that "the people were already dead and we weren't killing anyone". We had a lovely picnic at the park and let the kids have a bit of a play so they were happy before we headed to the cemetery to search for my ancestor. The kids had a great time looking for the right name on the grave stones and Lizzie was excited to find a picture of Jesus on the cross and was telling everyone about it, they also had a great time on the road looking at new things that they hadn't seen before and playing games. I didn't find my great great uncle but i did get phone numbers and an idea of what I'm looking for so that was good. I'm very lucky i have a very supportive husband, he doesn't mind me asking him to stop in at cemeteries or going places looking for all our rallies.♥
yes, please don't kill anyone. LOL