Monday, April 26, 2010

ANZAC day breakfast!

I really enjoy ANZAC day and as i love doing family history i feel fairly close to my ancestors and especially on ANZAC day as we have a history of service men in our family..i often think about my grandads oldest brother who was killed two weeks into his service in France 1914 and my grandad served in darwin when it was bombed and lived to tell the tale. How sad that wonderful young men and women had to die because of political tug of wars and power struggles. But also how proud we are that they stood up for the right and saved our country that we may worship and live in freedoms.

On a lighter note, our ward has an ANZAC breakfast every year at the park and this year was no different, sausages,onions,eggs,bacon on bread, food always tastes better on the BBQ i reckon! And of coarse the kids run wild and the adults have a great chin wag and catch up :) though i must warn you that children must not go on the spinney rides at the park AFTER they have had there breakfast! Yes of course it was Lizzie! Vomiting all her breakfast up in the sand... Lucky i always have clothes in the back of my car for just such occasions (vomit on shirt) Washed her down, changed her shirt and banned all my children from ever going on one of those things for the rest of there lives! lol..we will see how long that lasts:) but apart from that incident the day was a great success, the kids played 'Red Rover' climbed trees, played touch footy with the big boys and ate everything in sight!!(well Darcy ate everything in sight lol)

Not long after arriving home all three girls were fast asleep and so was hubby! So Darcy and i played 'Where in the world is Carmen Sandiego' (Which after long searching i have finally found, games from my childhood!!sigh)the boys loved it! i also got all my washing done and baked a cake, which has already disappeared. so i thought I'd just do a quick blog before bed, i have an early morning and my final test for the week for my eye before i see the specialist on Thursday..I'm really looking forward to the next long weekend, i love long weekends ;)

Thursday, April 22, 2010

eye sight is a wonderful thing!

I thought i would blog this to get it out of my head! :) Last Wednesday i had a blind spot and though i wear glasses i can see fairly well with out them with only a little fuzziness, but on Wednesday it was a spot i could not see out of at all.. it was quite annoying actually i kept thinking that something was in the way and i was constantly wiping my eyes. i made an appointment with my optometrist and i had two lots of tests and was sent to the PA hospital for more tests and i have hopefully my last test today.. I have a lump behind my eye and they don't know what it is, most of the time i feel confident that everything is fine and there is nothing to worry about but occasionally i feel abit worried that it's there.. I'm trying to be brave and i don't want to worry anyone. After all these tests on my right eye i feel like i have one big bright eye and one normal one(maybe my evil eye is coming out, like in the far side comics lol)

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

terrible twos

Well my little Lydia just turned two! She had a great day! Grandma came down to vist and Nanny,Poppy Aunty Hannah and Uncle Luke came over for cake and she enjoyed the cake very much! I think she has been in the terrible twos since she turned one though! lol hopefully she doesn't have long to go and it will be over..cross fingers

Friday, April 16, 2010


We have a reward chart system for chores for the kids and when they have completed their jobs they get so many points and when they get to a certain amount of points they get a reward,something special with either myself or my husband and they get to pick what they want to work towards.Darcy had finished his quota of points and so we went to the movies as Daddy is not into such things as previously mentioned :)..we went and seen "Alice in Wonderland"...It was awesome and against my wishes it was in 3D (The last time i seen a 3D movie i got a real bad headache and have always avoided them until now but i really thought it was in 2D until i had already purchased the tickets..Oh well so i thought i'm going to just have to go and do this and i wish i had a painkiller in my handbag for afters lol but i didn't even get a headache and i absolutely loved it! Darcy and I had a great time together just the two of us and we shared a big popcorn and a Large drink together..i really love spending time with my kids :)Lizzie is next and she wants to go to the movies next too.. So i wonder what we will see???knowing her it will be "how to train a dragon"! yes she is into TMNT and Pokemon and cars and all that sort of stuff lol has no time for jewellery but does like bratz and barbie on occasion aaah she reminds me of me :) lol

Monday, April 12, 2010

Easter School Holidays

Well we are at the end of another Easter school holiday and the kids are already asking when the next school holidays are...My sister and her family came down and stayed with us for the school holidays and the kids had a great time playing with their cousins and Lydia had a great time over loving baby lachlin :) My sister left on Saturday and the last two days Lydia has been walking around the house calling out for her cousin Nicholas..she finally came up to me and said "Nick Nick gone!" holding her little arms out to show she couldn't find him "I know" i said "we'll see them again soon " She just looked at me and said "Nick Nick gone" again. I think she misses them :)

I love to visit with my sister, there is nothing like having family around especially when they are one of your closest friends as well :) They did their thing and we did our thing and caught up on Friday and did sea world together. Which was heaps of fun and the kids had a ball! It is amazing how much enjoyment i can get out of watching the joy on my kids faces! Both Mr knightly and i took turns staying with Lydia(who is too small for alot of the rides) waiting for the other one to go on the rides with the other kids..Poor Mr knightly even endured rope burn on one of the rides to go on with Edmund and then going on the merry go round with Lydia (when she woke up) three time in a row and got a bit merry go rounded out! Darcy,Edmund and I went on the Bermuda Triangle ride with Andrea,Graham and Ethan(I'm sure i didn't get that wet last time i went on it!!)i was pretending to be really scared and the boys were laughing at me, obviously they thought it was funny! and then Lizzie,Darcy,Jayne and i went on the Viking ride and got all wet:) But it was all worth it to see the kids having a great time and watching their eyes light up at seeing new and exciting things!
On Saturday we went for a drive in the afternoon to Kalbar, it was a lovely drive out into the country side and always makes me yearn for a farm of my own..I told Mr knightly he shouldn't take me on trips out there as i always want to move out to the country then!
Sunday we had General Conference and so we stayed home and watched it on our TV. Mr knightly hooked it up to the Internet. They where excellent talks and then he went to the Priesthood session with his Dad at the chapel.

It has been a really good holiday :)

Monday, April 5, 2010

Kids Easter moments

We were discussing how Jesus was put in the tomb and a big stone was rolled in front of the Tomb so that nobody could steal Jesus body when Jayne says to me "But if they put a wooden door on and sticky tap then nobody could get out!" Sticky tape can stop anything apparently :)

I was setting up the DVD for our Easter devotional on Sunday night and Lizzie came in to my room and snuggled up to me while i was watching the movie and she said to me " That's Jesus!" and i said "yes, This is about his life and when he died and was resurrected" she just sat silently and continued to watch it as i pointed out different things in the DVD then we got to the part where Jesus walked on the water to the disciple who where out on their boat. Lizzie: "Oh no there he is again!" ha ha. Speaking of Jesus.. It was so cute i couldn't help but laugh..


I was doing research on how to be more Christ orientated over the Easter period and to focus on the true meaning so i was surfing the net and found some really awesome ideas! So on Monday night for family home evening we started with the "Triumphal entry of the Savior" and read Mark 11:9 then on Tuesday it was "Jesus washing the Apostles feet", Wednesday was "Jesus praying in Gethsemane" Thursday was the "Betrayal of Jesus" and Friday was the "Crucifixion" Saturday was "Jesus tomb" and Sunday was "Jesus shows his wounds" I printed out all the info and got the pictures organize and some recipes that go along with story etc.. the i got my weeks mixed up! Arrhhh! So on Wednesday night we did a catch up on Monday and Tuesday night and then did the rest on there appointed nights :)The kids had a great time doing this and holding up the pictures etc. On Sunday night after our lesson we made "Resurrection Puffs" they were supposed to be rolls but i did them in puff pastry they still turned out really yummy! So what you need is:

Preheat oven at 180 degrees C
Puff pastry (as many sheets that are required for you family)
Marshmallows chopped in half
melted butter
cinnamon sugar

Cut the pastry sheets into four squares
Get a marshmallow which represents Christ and dip it into the melted butter which represents the oils of embalming,then dip the marshmallow into the cinnamon sugar which represents the spices used to anoint the body.
Then put the marshmallow in the middle of the puff square and wrap it up like a little purse This represents the wrapping of Jesus body after death.
Place in the oven which represents the Tomb.

Cook until lightly golden.(10-15 min)

When the puffs have cooled slightly open your puff(Cloth) and discover that Jesus is no longer there,He is risen. (The marshmallow has melted and the pastry is all puffed up and sweet, but empty)

The Kids had a great time doing this and Edmund was so excited he ran downstairs to tell the the others that Jesus has risen! While our puffs where in the Tomb (oven) we watched a DVD about how Jesus was resurrected after three days and ascended on the Monday back to our heavenly father. When the DVD was finished the puffs were ready!

Lizzie enjoying her Resurrection Puff

On Friday we had "Hot Cross Chocolate fudge Muffins" As my kids and hubby can't stand hot cross buns ( It's a fruit issue! he he) So i decided to do muffins instead...AArrhh so delicious..I'm never going back to buns again!!

I put white chocolate crosses on the top..and the inside is all fudgy and gooey..heaven!!

So we have school holidays now and My Hubby is also off for the week so I'm looking forward to some good times....