This road trip has been planned for two years,we decided to do a road trip to Canberra with our very good friends Elinor and Edward and their son Brandon.Last year we went to the Bunya mountains together for a long weekend to "test" to see if everyone got along ok for an extended period together and that worked out well so it was all steam ahead for our Canberra Trip! We have been hunting snow gear and organizing all the warm clothes and booking accommodation both at Canberra and a Jindabyne, two days before we were to leave Elinor had a phone call asking us if we still wanted our rooms as they were going to give them to someone else!! Well Elinor sorted them out and our accom. was secured again. The night before we left we had a bit of a celebration..
and we packed a few of our bags into Edwards ute tray as we were a little pressed for room in our car..
3am we left Sunny Queensland(It rained most of the time we were away i heard)and headed for Canberra, along the way some silly pilot ute stopped in the middle of the road with no stop lights and Mr Knightly had to very quickly pull of to the side of the road to try and avoid hitting him(or so we thought)When we pulled over at Goodiwindi for brekki we discovered that we did hit him ...just..! So next stop was Coonabarabran for lunch and a toilet break!We had a few more short breaks along the way,the toilets at Gilgandra were a bit chilly on the bottom stop Canberra were we arrived at 7:30pm!!